


Super Stable Structure and the Evolution of Chinese Modern Thought


When discussing the origin of modern Chinese thought, Jin Guantao and Liu Qingfeng's The Origin of Modern Chinese Thought is undoubtedly an indispensable classic. This book, through the theory of "super stable structure," deeply analyzes the stability and evolution mechanism of Chinese society and political culture, providing a new perspective for understanding modern Chinese thought.


Author Introduction#

Jin Guantao, a renowned philosopher and sociologist, is known for his research in systems science and Chinese intellectual history. Liu Qingfeng, a historian and cultural studies scholar, focuses on the study of modern Chinese history. The collaboration between these two scholars has reached new heights in terms of theoretical depth and historical breadth.

Overview of the Main Content#

The "super stable structure" theory proposed in the book is the key to understanding the stability of Chinese society and political culture. The author reveals the selective absorption and reconstruction mechanism of Chinese culture when facing external shocks through the analysis of historical events and cultural phenomena. The book extensively discusses the role of Confucianism, the bureaucratic system, and cultural inheritance in the formation of modern Chinese thought.

Main Points in the Book#

  1. Cultural Foundation and Historical Stability: The author believes that the foundation of Chinese culture lies in its super stable structure, which enables Chinese society to maintain relative stability and continuity when facing external shocks.
  2. Stability and Continuity of the Bureaucratic System: The book analyzes in detail the evolution of the Chinese bureaucratic system and points out its role in maintaining social stability and political continuity.
  3. Cultural Inheritance and Power Transition: Through the analysis of historical events, the author reveals the importance of cultural inheritance in power transition, especially the influence of Confucianism in this process.
  4. Tension between Tradition and Modernity: The book explores the tension between traditional culture and modern thought, analyzing the interaction and conflict between the two in the process of China's modernization.

Unique Aspects of the Book#

The uniqueness of this book lies in its unique perspective and profound analysis. Starting from the interaction between culture and institutions, the author reveals the complexity and diversity of the evolution of Chinese political culture. The language in the book is concise and powerful, full of wisdom, and can stimulate readers to think deeply about modern Chinese thought.

Influence and Significance of the Book#

The Origin of Modern Chinese Thought has had a profound impact in the academic community and provides an important reference for understanding Chinese history and intellectual history. The theories and viewpoints in the book are not only of great significance to academic research but also provide a new perspective for various sectors of society to understand modern China.


In summary, Jin Guantao and Liu Qingfeng's The Origin of Modern Chinese Thought is a work of great academic value and social significance. The theory of "super stable structure" proposed in the book provides a new perspective for understanding the origin and evolution of modern Chinese thought. This book is undoubtedly an important starting point for future research.

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