


The Modern Enlightenment of Traditional Wisdom


Jared Diamond's The World Before Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? is a thought-provoking work that explores how the lifestyle and wisdom of traditional societies can be applied in modern society. Diamond reveals the unique wisdom of these societies in dealing with crises, raising children, and managing interpersonal relationships through in-depth research.

This book is not only a retrospective of the past, but also a mirror of modern society, reminding us of the value of traditional wisdom in today's rapidly developing world.


The Disconnection of the Modern World#

The rapid changes and technological advancements in modern society have led to a gradual disconnection from traditional societies. Cultural differences have become increasingly significant, and modern people often overlook the valuable experiences accumulated in traditional societies. Diamond points out that the knowledge gap in modern society leaves us lacking the thoughtful and collective wisdom found in traditional societies when facing many problems.

Characteristics of Traditional Societies#

One notable characteristic of traditional societies is collective decision-making. Whether in hunting and gathering societies or agricultural societies, important decisions are often made collectively, which not only enhances social cohesion but also ensures more robust decision-making. Additionally, the lifestyle of traditional societies is closely related to the natural environment, and this dependence on the environment has given them unique wisdom in resource utilization and environmental protection.

Wisdom in Daily Life#

Diamond extensively explores the wisdom of traditional societies in kinship relations, conflict resolution, and risk assessment. For example, kinship relations in traditional societies are very close, providing not only emotional support but also economic assistance. In terms of conflict resolution, traditional societies often rely on negotiation and mediation rather than resorting to violence. In terms of risk assessment, traditional societies have developed effective risk management mechanisms through generations of experience.

Health and Medicine#

The concepts of health and medical practices in traditional societies are also worth learning from in modern society. Diamond points out that many traditional societies rely on natural remedies and herbal medicine to treat diseases, and these methods also have some value in modern medicine. Furthermore, traditional societies spread health knowledge through education, leading people to pay more attention to disease prevention in their daily lives.

Education and Learning#

The educational methods of traditional societies differ greatly from those of modern society. Traditional societies often pass on knowledge and skills to the next generation through oral transmission. This community-based education method is not only effective but also enhances social cohesion. Diamond believes that modern society can learn how to better inherit and protect cultural heritage from traditional societies.

The Power of Religious Beliefs#

Religion plays an important role in traditional societies. Diamond points out that religion is not only a belief system but also a social norm and behavioral guideline. Through religious rituals and beliefs, traditional societies are able to maintain social order and stability. In facing moral and ethical issues, modern society can also find some inspiration from traditional religions.

Economic Activities and Equality#

The economic activities of traditional societies are often based on resource sharing and mutual assistance. Diamond mentions in the book that many traditional societies ensure that everyone has access to basic livelihoods through fair distribution of resources. This economic model also has its significance in modern society, especially in addressing wealth disparities and social inequality.


Through in-depth research on traditional societies, The World Before Yesterday reminds us not to overlook the value of traditional wisdom in modern society. Diamond's book is not only a retrospective of the past but also a source of inspiration for the future. By drawing on the experiences of traditional societies, we can find more wisdom and methods to solve problems in modern society and move towards a more harmonious and sustainable development path.

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