


From Confusion to Faith - Tolstoy's Spiritual Journey in "Confession"


Confessions is a profound spiritual autobiography written by the Russian literary master Leo Tolstoy between 1879 and 1882. This work is not only a summary of Tolstoy's thoughts, but also a profound reflection on life, faith, and morality. Through this book, Tolstoy shows readers his journey from confusion to finding faith.



In Confessions, Tolstoy reviews his early life, military career, and social activities, revealing his deep feelings about social inequality and the cruelty of war. He questions the teachings of the Eastern Orthodox Church, explores Western and Eastern philosophy, and attempts to answer the question of the meaning of life. After experiencing a spiritual crisis, Tolstoy ultimately returns to Christian faith, emphasizing personal moral cultivation and humanitarianism. He also discusses the social responsibility of art and religious morality, describes his relationships with family members, especially his approach to his wife, criticizes social inequality, advocates for popular education, opposes war, and promotes nonviolence and international cooperation.

Theme Analysis#

Self-reflection: Tolstoy explores the meaning of life through introspection. He candidly reviews his mistakes and confusion, demonstrating his pursuit of self-improvement.

Faith and Morality: The exploration of religious faith and moral cultivation is the core of the book. After experiencing spiritual turmoil, Tolstoy finally finds his faith and emphasizes the importance of faith in personal moral cultivation.

Social Critique: Tolstoy's critique of social inequality and educational reform reflects his pursuit of social justice. He advocates for popular education, opposes war, and promotes nonviolence and international cooperation, which are still of great significance today.

Literary Value#

Tolstoy is known for his realistic writing style, and in Confessions, he presents a profound insight into the human spiritual life through delicate psychological descriptions and realistic life details. The work not only has a high literary value, but also has a profound impact on readers' thoughts.

Personal Evaluation#

Strengths: In the book, Tolstoy reflects and analyzes his life, faith, and moral concepts with honesty and introspection, demonstrating his firm determination to pursue truth and explore the meaning of life.

Weaknesses: Due to Tolstoy's in-depth exploration of self-reflection, the book may contain some lengthy and repetitive parts, which may make some readers feel bored.


Confessions is not only a summary of Tolstoy's thoughts, but also a profound reflection on life, faith, and morality. Through this book, readers can gain a deeper understanding of Tolstoy's inner world and thought process, and appreciate his profound insights and unique perspectives on human spiritual life. This work has important significance in understanding Tolstoy's thoughts and literary creation, and is worth savoring by every reader.

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