


A Deep Interpretation of Rural Society: The Collision of Tradition and Modernity

Book Introduction#

“Rural China” is a classic work by the renowned Chinese sociologist Professor Fei Xiaotong, first published in 1948. This book reveals the unique structure and cultural characteristics of rural Chinese society through in-depth investigation and research. Fei Xiaotong, with his unique perspective and profound insights, paints a vivid picture of rural society for us.


Main Content#

Rural Characteristics

Fei Xiaotong points out that rural society in China has distinct local characteristics. With low population mobility and strong dependence on land, it forms a relatively closed society of acquaintances. In such a society, people's lifestyles and values are deeply influenced by traditional culture, creating a unique rural character.

Literacy in the Countryside

In rural society, the dissemination and use of written language face many challenges. Fei Xiaotong reveals through field investigations the limited demand for written language and the difficulties of its dissemination in rural society. He emphasizes that rural society relies more on oral traditions and non-written communication, a phenomenon that is particularly prominent in the process of modernization.

Differential Mode of Association

The “Differential Mode of Association” theory proposed by Fei Xiaotong is a profound analysis of the structure of social relationships in China. In rural society, personal social relationships exhibit a ripple-like structure, where closeness and distance determine people's positions and behaviors in society. This theory not only reveals the internal logic of rural society but also provides an important perspective for understanding the social behavior of Chinese people.

Family and Society

The family plays an important role in rural society. Fei Xiaotong analyzes the structure and functions of the family in detail, exploring its role in maintaining social order and cultural transmission. He points out that the family is not only an economic unit but also a carrier of morality and ethics, which is significant for the stability and development of rural society.

Book Evaluation#

Academic Value

“Rural China” holds significant academic value in the fields of sociology and anthropology. Through field investigations and in-depth research, Fei Xiaotong provides us with rich first-hand materials and unique theoretical perspectives. This book is not only a classic work for studying rural Chinese society but also an important reference for understanding the social structure and culture of China.

Practical Significance

In the context of modernization and globalization, rural society faces tremendous shocks and changes. “Rural China” provides us with a framework and tools to understand these changes. Through a profound analysis of rural society, Fei Xiaotong reminds us that in the pursuit of modernization, we must not overlook the importance of traditional culture and social structures.

Personal Feelings#

Reading “Rural China”, I deeply feel Fei Xiaotong's love and care for rural Chinese society. With delicate writing and profound insights, he presents us with a real and rich rural world. This book not only deepens my understanding of rural China but also provokes my thoughts on the fate of traditional culture in the process of modernization.

In summary, “Rural China” is a classic work worth reading and reflecting on repeatedly. It not only provides us with the key to understanding rural Chinese society but also offers valuable insights on how to handle the relationship between tradition and modernity in the process of modernization. I hope more readers can feel the unique charm and profound wisdom of rural society through this book.

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