


People-oriented management philosophy - "Eternal Living Fire"


“Eternal Live Fire” is a collection of the management philosophy of Zhang Ruimin, the founder of Haier Group, publicly revealing his management thoughts over the past 40 years for the first time. This book not only provides a comprehensive sorting and summary of Zhang Ruimin's management philosophy but also offers an in-depth reflection and insight into the management practices of Chinese enterprises. Through reading this book, readers can gain a deep understanding of how Zhang Ruimin stimulates employee potential and establishes a good corporate culture through the concept of "maximizing human value."


Content Overview#

“Eternal Live Fire” provides a panoramic view of Zhang Ruimin's exploration and evolution of management practices in Chinese enterprises, deeply analyzing his unique insights and successful experiences. The book details the process of Haier's transformation from a near-bankrupt small factory into a world-leading ecological enterprise, including significant initiatives such as smashing refrigerators, creating brands, and breaking into international markets. Zhang Ruimin's proposed "one person, one unit" management model emphasizes user supremacy and the flattening of organizational structure, promoting the shift from mass manufacturing to mass customization.

Highlight Analysis#

Uniqueness of Management Philosophy: Zhang Ruimin's management philosophy centers on "maximizing human value," emphasizing that every employee is the owner of the enterprise, deserving dignity and the opportunity to realize their value. This people-oriented management philosophy not only enhances employee motivation and creativity but also injects strong momentum into the sustainable development of the enterprise.

Sharing of Successful Experiences: The successful cases mentioned in the book, such as the refrigerator-smashing incident, not only showcase Zhang Ruimin's decisiveness and execution but also reflect his high regard for quality and brand. These experiences hold significant reference value and implications for other enterprise managers.

Contribution to Chinese Enterprise Management: Zhang Ruimin's management philosophy and practices have not only propelled Haier's development but also had a profound impact on the evolution of management in Chinese enterprises. His "one person, one unit" model provides a new management approach and method for Chinese enterprises, holding important theoretical and practical significance.

Notable Quotes#

"Maximizing human value is not about making everyone a hero, but about enabling everyone to realize their maximum value in their respective positions." — Zhang Ruimin

"The core competitiveness of an enterprise lies not in scale and capital, but in its ability to innovate continuously and meet user needs." — Zhang Ruimin

Personal Evaluation#

Strengths: This book is rich in content, with abundant case studies and vivid language, offering both theoretical depth and practical guidance. Zhang Ruimin's management philosophy and practices provide significant reference and guidance for enterprise managers and researchers.

Weaknesses: Some content in the book is quite professional, which may require readers without a management background some time and effort to understand and digest.

Overall Evaluation: Overall, “Eternal Live Fire” is a highly recommended management book. It not only showcases Zhang Ruimin's management wisdom and successful experiences but also provides valuable insights for the development of management in Chinese enterprises. For readers who wish to gain a deeper understanding of enterprise management and innovation, this book is undoubtedly a must-read.


“Eternal Live Fire” demonstrates to readers how an enterprise can achieve sustainable development and innovation through a people-oriented management philosophy, based on Zhang Ruimin's management thoughts and practices. This book is not only a comprehensive sorting and summary of Zhang Ruimin's management philosophy but also an in-depth reflection and insight into the management practices of Chinese enterprises. Both enterprise managers and readers interested in management studies can gain inspiration and insights from it.

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