


Finding the way for the soul to settle and survive in the midst of change


In this rapidly changing era, modern people often feel confused and restless. "How to Find Inner Peace and Firmness" co-authored by Xu Jilin and other scholars, is a book that explores how to find inner peace and firmness in such an environment. Through profound analysis of history, culture, belief, and personal life, the authors provide readers with a path to spiritual peace.


The Spiritual Dilemma of Modern Society#

The book first explores the spiritual dilemma of modern society. With the rapid development of globalization and information technology, cultural diversity and value conflicts have become problems that modern people cannot avoid. Many readers may find their own shadows in the book: feeling confused and contradictory in terms of identity and values. Through in-depth analysis of these issues, the authors reveal the anxiety and unease deep in the hearts of modern people.

Wisdom of Traditional Culture#

Faced with various dilemmas of modern society, the book proposes the wisdom of returning to traditional culture. Whether it is the benevolence of Confucianism or the principle of non-action in Taoism, they provide valuable spiritual sustenance for modern people. By reinterpreting traditional culture, the authors demonstrate the practical significance of these ancient wisdom in today's society. Readers can draw strength from it and find inner peace and tranquility.

Balance between the Individual and Society#

The book also explores the relationship between the individual and society. In modern society, the prevalence of individualism makes many people feel isolated and helpless. The authors point out that only by finding a balance between the individual and society can true spiritual peace be achieved. By reconstructing the values of social communities, the book provides readers with a new perspective to help them find their place in the complex and diverse society.

Cross-cultural Spiritual Sustenance#

The differences and complementarity between Eastern and Western cultures are also an important theme in the book. Through a comparison of Eastern and Western cultures, the authors reveal the paths of spiritual sustenance in different cultural backgrounds. Whether it is the Zen wisdom of the East or the religious beliefs of the West, they provide rich spiritual resources for modern people. The book encourages readers to seek a path to inner peace and firmness in a cross-cultural perspective.

Towards a Harmonious Life#

Finally, the book advocates for harmony between humans and nature, and between people. The authors believe that true happiness and fulfillment can only be found in harmonious relationships with nature and others. Through in-depth exploration of these issues, the book paints a beautiful picture of harmonious coexistence for readers.


"How to Find Inner Peace and Firmness" is a thought-provoking and content-rich work. It not only provides wisdom for modern people to deal with spiritual dilemmas, but also points out the path to inner peace for readers. Whether you are confused about modern society or searching for spiritual sustenance, this book will be an indispensable guide and friend.

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