


The Growth and Transformation of Chinese Private Enterprises


Wild Growth is one of Feng Lun's representative works, which systematically summarizes his business philosophy and unique insights in the Chinese private enterprise sector from the pre-company era to the company era, and to the wealth creation era of the 21st century. Feng Lun is not only a successful entrepreneur, but also a visionary thinker. Through this book, he shows readers the growth and transformation of Chinese private enterprises over the past few decades.


Chapter 1: Original Sin and Civilization#

In the book, Feng Lun explores the issue of "original sin" that entrepreneurs face in the early stages. In the early stages of China's market economy, with incomplete regulations and vague social values, entrepreneurs had to face the dual challenges of morality and law while pursuing business interests. Feng Lun reveals the complexity and difficulties of this stage through his own experience, emphasizing how to maintain inner civilization and moral bottom line in a wild growth environment.

Chapter 2: Rivers and Business Paths#

In this section, Feng Lun delves into the "rivers and lakes" culture in the business world. He points out that interpersonal relationships and integrity are crucial in the business rivers and lakes. Through vivid examples, Feng Lun demonstrates how he navigates the complex business environment, maintaining his own business ethics while successfully achieving rapid development of his enterprises.

Chapter 3: Responsibilities and Sentiments of Entrepreneurs#

Feng Lun is not only a successful entrepreneur, but also a practitioner of social responsibility. In this chapter, he discusses the social responsibilities and personal sentiments of entrepreneurs. He believes that the success of entrepreneurs is not only reflected in business achievements, but also in contributions to society and care for employees. Through his own practices, Feng Lun shows readers how to maintain a caring attitude towards society while achieving business success.

Chapter 4: Future Prospects#

Facing the new era of the Internet, big data, and global integration, Feng Lun provides a profound analysis and outlook on future business models. He believes that the future business world will be more open and transparent, and entrepreneurs need to continuously learn and adapt to new changes in order to stand undefeated in fierce competition. Feng Lun's foresight and wisdom provide valuable thoughts and insights for readers.


Wild Growth is not only a classic work of business philosophy, but also a historical document that records the growth and transformation of Chinese private enterprises. Through Feng Lun's personal experiences and profound reflections, readers can better understand the development process of Chinese private enterprises over the past few decades, as well as the challenges and opportunities in the future. This book is not only suitable for entrepreneurs and managers, but also for readers interested in the Chinese business environment.

With his unique perspective and rich experience, Feng Lun presents a vivid picture of the growth of Chinese private enterprises, inspiring readers to deeply reflect on and imagine the business world. It is hoped that more readers can feel the power and charm of Chinese private enterprises through this book.

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