


The Interweaving of Nature and Human Nature: The Epic of the Evenki People's Hundred-Year History


"River on the Right Bank of the Ergun" is a long novel written by the famous Chinese writer Chi Zijian, and it won the 7th Mao Dun Literature Award. With its delicate brushstrokes and profound social insights, this work depicts the living conditions and vicissitudes of the Ewenki people on the Sino-Russian border. Through the description of natural landscapes and the exploration of human nature, the novel presents the history and cultural changes of a nation.



The novel is divided into four parts: Morning, Noon, Dusk, and Night. Each part connects the experiences from childhood to old age through the memories and narratives of the protagonist "I," reflecting the changes in the lives and cultural conflicts of the Ewenki people in the process of modernization.

  • Chapter 1: Morning
    The novel begins with the story of the Ewenki people migrating from the shores of Lake Baikal to the right bank of the Ergun River. They rely on reindeer for survival, believe in shamanism, and live a life of hunting and relocation. The morning sun shines on the forest and rivers, symbolizing new beginnings and hope.

  • Chapter 2: Noon
    The noon sun is scorching, symbolizing the passion and challenges in the lives of the Ewenki people. The protagonist recalls hunting experiences and a first love story from their youth, showing their awe of nature and love for life.

  • Chapter 3: Dusk
    At dusk, as the sunlight gradually fades, it symbolizes the changes and losses in the lives of the Ewenki people. The process of modernization has brought impact to their traditional way of life, and many ancient customs and beliefs are gradually disappearing.

  • Chapter 4: Night
    The darkness of the night symbolizes loneliness and farewell. The protagonist feels deep loneliness in their memories and has to bid farewell to their past life in the face of various changes brought about by modernization.

Theme Analysis#

  • Relationship between Nature and Humanity
    The novel delicately depicts the natural landscapes on the right bank of the Ergun River, showcasing the harmonious coexistence of the Ewenki people with nature. Through the description of forests, rivers, animals, and other natural elements, the author expresses reverence and love for nature.

  • Conflict between Tradition and Modernity
    The novel reflects the cultural changes and conflicts of the Ewenki people in the process of modernization. Through the depiction of traditional beliefs and ways of life, the author calls for the protection and respect of traditional culture, while also showing the helplessness and inevitability of culture in the face of changing times.

  • Cultural Inheritance and Transformation
    Through the story of the Ewenki people, the author reminds readers to reflect on the relationship between humans and nature, and between tradition and modernity. The novel is not only a national chronicle of the Ewenki people but also a profound work that reflects on modern civilization and calls for ecological harmony.

Character Portrayal#

The protagonist is an elderly Ewenki woman, through whose perspective readers can understand various aspects of Ewenki life such as family, hunting, love, changes, and loneliness. The novel is filled with descriptions of beautiful natural scenery and contemplation of human destiny. Other main characters also have their own characteristics, and their fates are closely connected to nature and history, showcasing the complexity of human nature.

Writing Style#

Chi Zijian's language is delicate and poetic, and her narrative technique is unique. Through the protagonist's memories and narratives, she tells the hundred-year history of the Ewenki people. The novel is filled with descriptions of nature and contemplation of human nature, with beautiful language and sincere emotions.

Personal Reflection#

"River on the Right Bank of the Ergun" not only provides readers with an understanding of Ewenki life but also deeply reflects on nature, culture, and human nature. Through the depiction of Ewenki life, it calls for the protection of traditional culture and reverence for nature. It makes us reflect on whether the development of modern civilization has truly brought happiness or to some extent destroyed our harmonious relationship with nature.


"River on the Right Bank of the Ergun" is a literary masterpiece worth savoring. With its delicate language and profound social insights, it presents the history and cultural changes of a nation. Whether it is the depiction of nature or the exploration of human nature, the novel has reached a high level of artistry. It is recommended for all readers who enjoy literature and are interested in human culture.

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